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This Week's Message:

***If you are easily offended by "Strait" talk and do not like to be corrected, please keep scrolling by this post.***

Is. 60:1 "Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee." (KJV)

"I want you to Arise, wake up from the place of mourning and being downtrodden... meaning being OPPRESSED!

I desperately want you to Shine! Arise! Because the Glory of the Lord is upon available to you! You have access to the Personal Presence of the Lord! My Presence, Power, and Glory will cause you to SHINE!

But before this can take place, you have to do some things, get rid of some things!


*Stop being slowful - Move! Work for ME.
*Stop thinking you can't, when you can!
*Desire to give Me more - Stop being selfish.
*Leave the "Pity Party" are the only guest.
*Stop being sad and downtrodden..."There is joy in Me!"
*Get your act together! Stop your foolishness. It's not hidden.
*Dump your alter-ego - meaning your second self...

"I want the holy one!"
*Clean out your mind and heart. You can do this by My Spirit.
*Stop lying and being hypocritical. Repent.
*Get rid of the complaining spirit!
*Focus on Me, and renew your mind.
*Praise Me!
*Give me thanks!
*Be faithful, from the inside out.
*Give Me Glory for I Am your God!

When you agree to hear and obey, realizing that you are blessed to have access to the actual Personal Presence of your God...ARISE! AND SHINE!
"I Love You", Says the Lord!



Blessings!!!  Pastor Sheila M. Miller

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